Upcoming Events

1-Day Workshop: the ‘D’ word - Desire without Demand

Friday, March 28

Join us for a fun, full day (12-8pm) Friday workshop to experience a full day of Making Peace With Masculinity Content. This program is open to all male/masc participants and will build off ideas explored in our Feb 2 “Imagining an Anti-Patriarchal Masculinity” workshop.

cost: $90-150/person (sliding scale)

Reserve your spot!

Making Peace Weekend Retreat III: Location TBD

May 16-18 (Friday-Sunday)

Join us for a two night, three day retreat to deepen your relationship with healthy Masculinity. Making Peace with Masculinity retreats bring together men and masc folk interested in experiencing masculinity in a supportive community through play, creativity, vulnerable and empathic exploration and embodiment.

More details available soon.

Reserve your spot!

initial sign-ups are 100% refundable but help us plan for the right event capacity!

Making Peace IV: Fall Wilderness Trip

September 2025

Stay tuned for further details on a wilderness-centered backpacking trip for men and mass interested in exploring the intersection of masculinity and the natural word in September 2025!

Making Peace VII: Making Peace With Masculinity 3-day retreat

November 2025

Upcoming Event