we are men who love
We are men on all parts of the gender continuum and expression, taking responsibility for how we show up in the world, committed to an anti-patriarchal masculinity, and open to all.
john helmiere
john is a convener and an instigator. he has 15 years of experience as a professional community builder. he has started and convened many groups including a community center, a labor organizing collective, and a progressive church. john currently works as a sex therpaist, an intimacy coach, and spiritual director. he is a devotee of dancing, physics, kink, and philosophy.
ben mustin
ben is a wanderer, a namer and a patterner. he has 20 years of experience helping people to name what matters most to them, and changing their patterns to fit their values. Ben currently works as an organizational design consultant, executive coach and depth guide. He coaches his kids’ soccer team and is rabidly interested in trees, mushrooms, eros, the sea and poetry.
“Passion is the greatest ally men can choose in their efforts to liberate their complete humanity.”